DragonCon Countdown (28 Days): 3 Things I Am Not Looking Forward To – The Unique Geek

  1. The Flight: The flight from Tampa to the ATL is only one hour (about 20 hours if you include security), but given the current state of air travel I believe that actual cattle have a better seat than me.
  2. The Elevators: Episode 1 seems short in comparison to the amount of time it takes to get an elevator that has less that 217 people (and 4 Wookies) on it.
  3. The Heat:  I run in the middle of the day every weekday, in Tampa, in 98 percent humidity… and yet, somehow the heat in Hot-lanta is a completely different kind of soul/life sucking level of hell.
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  • Serv

    1. quit being such a pussy
    2. you have a point, but quit being such a PUSSY
    3. Cripes, do you need a tampon?

    Seriously, The flight from where i am is a godsend…
    the elevators will blow massive chuncks regardless and as far as running…you should have the whole Track to yourself at the Hilton ALL weekend long

  • Rox of Spazhouse

    The best, fastest, elevators at DC are in the Hyatt for the Radius Tower. If you don’t mind the small rooms but fast elevators this is the place for you. Or me.
    These are so fast taking a quick stop to your room is literally a quick stop.

    Question How much is a flight from Tampa to Atlanta? Delta used to be a great deal from J-ville, Fl. But no more. And now delta is charging $50.00 for a second bag. I have been taking ground transport so I can take my folding bike. For all the amount of having to get up early and waiting in line, hoping the weather is good for take off and that taxi-ing to the gate at Atlanta one could car pool.

    The Heat? It is summer it is hot everywhere. I did not think the heat was that bad since Atlanta is in a higher elevation and I did do a fair amount of biking the last couple of years.