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Issue 64 – MegaEhh – The Unique Geek
Jon discusses his experience at MegaCon 2008 in Orlando with Scott (NeedCoffee), Shag (Once Upon A Geek), and Michael (Fortress Of Baileytude)
Email the geeks at:
Skype: theuniquegeek
Comment Line: 813-579-3542
links for 2008-04-12 – The Unique Geek
WordPress Theme Hacks
(tags: cool howto tips wordpress design webdesign)
The Unique Geek Takes A Cab – The Unique Geek
This special episode of The Unique Geek is an audio version of our very own Simon on Discovery Channel's Cash Cab.
Email the geeks at:
Skype: theuniquegeek
Comment Line: 813-579-3542
Issue 63 – NSFW – The Unique Geek
In this very, very, very unsafe for work/sensitive people/minors/people with standards issue of The Unique Geek - Mike, Shag, Scott, and Jon play a dirty game that only 12 year olds (and some of our listeners) will be amused by.
This is…
links for 2008-04-06 – The Unique Geek
The 25 Most Horribly Ill-Conceived Breakfast Cereal Ideas |
Not for the kiddies . . .
(tags: Cracked FSFW)
Satan greenlights Short Circuit remake
If not for Alley Sheely and Fisher Stevens, Johnny 5 would have…
links for 2008-04-05 – The Unique Geek
'Make a Cylon' contest - DVICE, SCIFI.COM
Make your own Cylon - win stuff.
(tags: Battlestar-Galactica DVICE)
Heroes: Origins, is officially dead -
Heroes: Origins, is officially dead.
(tags: Heroes TV…
May Comics Preview With Shag and Mike – The Unique Geek
Shag and Mike get together for their monthly discussion of all things to your local comic shop in May 2008.
If you don't listen, you won't know what to spend you cash on (or what you should be downloading)
links for 2008-03-29 – The Unique Geek
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Fray the Future Slayer! - MySpace Comic Books MySpace Blog
Sneak peak of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Fray the Future Slayer in issue 16 of the Buffy Season 8 comic.
(tags: Buffy Comics)
Issue 62 – Geek Movie Hangovers – The Unique Geek
Ron, Jon, D, Shag, Sterling (New Bards Press) and Serv commiserate about the various geek movie hangovers they have had (and are still having) over the years. I think Shag was suffering from a different kind of hangover, but that is a…
links for 2008-03-25 – The Unique Geek
CBS Cancels 'Jericho' - March 25 will make the show's series finale
Networks suck!
(tags: suck tv jericho)
Gibson encores patent suit to Rock Band
Lawsuits Suck!
(tags: lawsuit activision ea games rock+band)