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The Unique Geek Issue #50 – Fall Extravagonzoriffic – The Unique Geek
Jon, Scott (Need Coffee), Sterling (New Bards Press), Ed (The OUG), Ron, D, and Shag (late as usual) party down with the fall schedule. The Fall Schedule later regrets hanging out with us and now there is a restraining order keeping us 500…
The Unique Geek Weekly Issue #48 – Triple H – The Unique Geek
Jon, Ron, Shag, Scott (NeedCoffee), D, and, at least for a little while, Sterling (NewBardsPress) discuss an assortment of topics including: Flash (Snooze) Gordon, PhotoSynth, Booster Gold, Frank Miller, Luke Cage, Black Panther, Voltron,…
The Unique Geek Issue #49 – Widge’s Justice – The Unique Geek
Jon, Scott (Need Coffee), Sterling (New Bards Press), Michael (Views From The Long Box and ComiXtreme), and Widgett of discuss an assortment of topics including:
Has Michael lost his mind?
Is Sterling still crazy?
The Unique Geek Weekly Issue #47 – Long Lost Audio – The Unique Geek
In this episode we discuss the Iron Man, Punisher, and Watchmen movies. We also discuss some comic news, a touch of Sarah Conner Chronicles, Neil Gaiman stuff, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. On the big show we have: Shag,…
The Unique Geek Weekly Issue #46 – Long Overdue – The Unique Geek
Jon, Shag, Michael (Views From The Long Box ( ), and Scott C ( ( ) talk about stuff from several weeks ago since this podcast is way overdue on delivery. GO…
The Unique Geek Weekly Issue #45 – Blame Todd – The Unique Geek
Jon, D, Shag, Todd, Patrick, Michael, Sterling ( ( ), Ron and Scott C ( ( ) get a little out of hand - this one may not be safe for work in some parts.…
Book Of The Month: Watchmen – The Unique Geek
Shag, Todd, Holly, Michelle, Sterling, Cary, Michael, and Jon sit around and discuss our June book of the month: Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. We discuss the themes, characters, and who is hotter - Dr. Manhatten or Night Owl.…
The Unique Geek Weekly Issue #44 – Heavy Comics – The Unique Geek
Jon, Shag, Michael, Ron, and Serv are joined by special guest Scott C from ( to discuss: Comics, DragonCon, Comics, Movies, Comics, and Comics. (We also get a visit from the Salmon... sort of)NOTE:…