Days Of Dragon Con 2021 - Day 13 - There Be Pirates

2021, The Unique Geek
Days Of Dragon Con

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[0:00] Music.

[0:15] No the first one.
Yes on your face.

[0:33] Music.

[0:43] Ok i think we're there and it says it says broadcast that means a recording.

[0:53] Jason scott anybody know that lsdream yard.
I see that it says live my life somebody to love remastered two thousand eleven she's listening to this can you tell john's not here.
Italy i really really hope
this is recording or elton john is gonna give me,
by herself really really hoping this is recording cuz i don't see a little record button and i thought johnson their head whatever
i don't making do something so we are today i'm not gonna do the high fifty days a dragon,
is a little bit mass assistant in needs a little more help therapy meds so you're awesome therapy here with you.
Take that's what a dragon boat set it before.

[2:03] Take your meds take your meds and your message monday night football meds snooze
you make sure add build tylenol if someone asks before i can't hear the other mad dog.
Ok so we are here we jason's got michael and jeffrey who are,
for people from tacos and three of those people get blank michael fides or who is also called transfer because michael.
Email fifty days instead i don't wanna be on but i want you to get tec outside i don't think people know what i said and then i.
Set it to email the other three people and say another
i go to the best and he has to be heard you haven't seen ballantine other people in volunteers
that's not yet
i was gonna be in jason yeah yeah yeah that works so we're gonna start with jason just because i am queen from.
What is left right doing it out which so jason.
Who are you what you do how long have you been with dragon.

[3:28] I said jason aldean osuna is wolfman and tec of sweet pretty much don't go by real names really know each other by a bitch named life bites the name of bad suns middle school so
what's minutes stuck in the daytime director of tec oops i have been a director for the last
nine ten years is this is my twenty sixth year dragon con.

[3:52] No i been doing this since nineteen ninety six hits been a little while ago.

[3:58] Ok i'm already and then now we also got go to west coast who is too.
I am scott the dragonborn comes west coast i am the night time director for tec of s i m doing this since two thousand i think it was my first year.
Like most of us antec of dune everything from run escape from here to there to run a room to run hotel to now run.

[4:31] That shit for reykon attack oops i would think that would be.
A little calmer a dragon but i actually cut off.

[4:47] No daytime nice to get a lot of talking heads but the nighttime comes out to a little bit more of the party is little bit more the wild stuff and so it's not that there's more technical problems.
It's more there are more general problems iii kind of arrived at we are broken into to help lasalle this shoes
yes it's a different kind of production value like you thing a day panelists talking at panel you got a couple of people microphones q a after about.
Six seven pm starting again a things like masquerade some of the band that starts some of the stage shows and then trailers on into.
No the bigger band djds in things like that what should we do it.
Have any of killy blowing dead wrong do that too.
Can you play legally blind it is something that happened to dragon con and don't know what it is.
Capture ten pm to badshah give you an idea of audien the kill blowing is for.

[5:59] Look up,
just say i like you to transfer
who is michael all of these people here
play michael what do you do how long and oh my goodness twelve.
Alright yes hotel sayre rise up for the week ranks and i'm
work in the western salem pretty much up because that hotel does someone shutdown
what most of the time that it is there so up your responsible for making sure everything run smoothly over there in the west end from everything from.

[6:48] Just make sure hotel relations to make sure everything is working which sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't end.
Add justin lopez organize.
What you do and how long have you been doing.

[7:08] I am i have to check in i'm not really sure i think they started in two thousand and six i know that i am pushing fifteen years if this is it my fifteen year so two thousand six two thousand seven something like that and i
actually i started in the long long ago,
the old school tec apps and eventually land in my way she working in the big sean channel ballroom is the main soundtrack by.
Add stories for not experience until jason discovered i was organized.
Yeah you tell spanish sort of like i said involuntarily sometimes
get playing deposits can you tell me,
who is this,
you can cancel the director yeah it's always herding cats so mean overnight directors so.
The three of us work in concert because as scott clarified beginning it in twenty four convention if not for the attendees certainly is for tacos we have a tutorial that have just you know huge quantities of.
Cable's and.

[8:30] Requirements and everything at all of that we got security issues at night we got people throwing chairs we've got it.

[8:39] Set a little wild at night but say it's definitely a different beast then what what the guys have to deal with today
much more have to think on their feet they have to do things on the fly wild of the panelist effectively going on where i get a little more grace.
Maneuver around at night whenever i can see me and i can be very sneaky.
Got it so i need to find you if i need a cable and i can't find it and sunday shows up in the morning got it got it
understood what netflix suddenly really regretting my ass there any all networking possible so mi so ok,

[9:28] Explain it all the main rings all the track brooms your.

[9:38] Learn the concord right dealers room right.
Turn on marc anthony mountain smart display projector speakers if you
play here an audio loop of something going it in some cases we literally just provided power strips and in an electrical extension cords registration and things like that so bullhorns for the parade.
So the people out there directing traffic that came from tec of this stuff as well.
Yep i think if anything plugs into a wall one of us probably touched,
ok so we're gonna get more into this but so i know you're hotels you already.

[10:27] Big is tacos.
Play we're the millers the biggest department within dragon hunters self.
Can we get three hundred plus volunteers just for tec oops every single year.
End there's no way we can do it without less people we start.
The monday before dragon con and end the monday of dragon and we're running usually twenty four hours a day we need that many people constantly through all three shifts just to make it.
Survive to go into the granularity of yg so many so we have eighteen ballroom that we stopped twenty four hours a day.

[11:14] Set up and turn down and do all these changes in the middle between bringing bands on striking tables and let fun stuff can we also set up.
I'm traveling about eighty meeting rooms for the tracks so that's all of the microphones in the projectors and displays stop the golden track rooms,
i don't usually have some kind of local h equipment maroon some have a three hours center that can support this track rooms does the operate so like in the.
The highest for example you got a problem in a room you could go to you know operation center in the heights i have a problem in this room.
So if there is a problem director's you guys.
Tell me they needed a projector i asked tests thank you guys,
my butt i know i know the fire but a lot of directors as well thank you.
Increase sports world on fire post that switch,
was recently we had some experiences with them unscheduled pyrotechnics or partynextdoor authorized in the past.

[12:41] I don't have anything to do with tesla coils today because it's actually ok we were we will get for that other groups.
Add theodore groups the pass that the united really wanna play by a dragon controls so there not looking back anymore
repeat you deserve this ever you get someone who thinks they can pull the wall over somebody's idiot not realizing
there's a hundred twenty eight directors company walking around that i guarantee if you're gonna try to pull something you're gonna get caught.
Bye bye bag don't come back by the way.
Add a mom to go to the party on this group and i'm a mom there is very little very little you're gonna be prise me with i working public.

[13:37] Which services.
No story you can tell me that is going to shock me it might surprise me a little bit but you can't shoot me and you won't get it pass me.

[13:49] I was boring kid in high school but my sister wasn't so i learned a lot from hurt the same i'm in it who is trained to become an education
so there's every little thing there's grillo that you can do to make me kind of beef that surprise and only using look at you and say is that the best you can do
delete today seriously it's monday to friday surprise me all
so good three hundred
how loud wesson which does he do it not a little bit calmer this year
how many do you have any volunteers just in that hotel.
I just hotel technically probably about the fifteen to twenty just just for tec of so armin center is that peachy ballroom and then we have,
add the hotel beds what we call firefighters with your kind of people who have show themselves to be technically,
competence run around fix things that happened in track rooms in the main ballroom so between those.

[15:13] Never ever been to the western all-stars if i leave touched probably one of those stairs once a weekend
i'm hoping down passingly pedometer so you know how many steps you take your just not now i don't i do not do that i don't all the guys you and i'm not
i didn't want year and once it hit eighty thousand steps music on i thought i was it
i said scott that was what
tuesday for instead five minutes until one day that we got that right force myself during the actual show when is open between thursday and monday
is too try to sit in more places where can a light in a couple of morcheeba places where i need to be because
join load in when we're actually pushing stuff around and getting the other places i average about ten to twelve miles a day during loaded.
Mama that lot average over the last about eight years a dragon con is right about seventy miles every year.

[16:27] Yakuza director your constantly making that route from hotel to hotel to hotel get all around break for a few minutes,
get up at all the way hard case problem got money hydrated by this point and
oh wow seeming that you don't get any of the really fun special projects which is in my attention my favorite thing about being in management that i never got to do is a grant is we have all of our regular activities that,
the weather forecast and other hotel beds all have to do and i do mean three sixty five but then once we get on sight sometimes we got
what was your call it would like bonus levels,
i wish i guess my husband.

[17:18] Ok so you're so quest usually run along the lines of somebody.
Add ashley bored powerful that comes to one of us says hey we got a john barry man panel and he wants to walk into the wonder woman theme but not the new wine from the movie i want the original one with
linda carter i want to make sure i don't wanna have any of the video i just wanna
read my timer for fifteen minutes we get lucky and the baby,
play netflix right well we can i don't know how i'm gonna do that request.

[18:08] Wait we are messengers california.
Yes i guess like that we we often have panelists walk on stage and basically like hate can you give us intro music that's amore whatever,
no chance anona talking about you is happening hotel.
Remove whatever we can make it happen when they asked you do i have to say my side quest my favorite side quest as a track director
was not even for my track but was for friends of mine who were doing something and they said there was supposed to be.

[18:50] Guitar stand up on stage ok.
Alexa so do you have one hour.
You can always do anything leon i said no no yeah no jonas l a we can't do anything everything but let me see i'm basically walked around
the bottom the conquest level of the marriott around there and i said,
i just me borre for the next couple of hours
i promise i will bring it back here's my new it's showtime a bag on the track director this is what we had the blue ribbon,
yes sure we are you are awesome i don't know who that i don't even remember what band it was this point there you doing
i was fun really have guitar sam no but we can find one ok rock
delete the first day of an acoustic guitar stand.

[20:13] If you tell me you'll get the first thing i find the first thing that i found it somebody killed hughes because they have a concert that night but they hate you,
what is going back to the band is hey can we borrow something of your appointment.
I want you back i don't need to stand yeah.

[20:44] Women and i'm thinking that would be awesome but now i don't actually really wanna do that so that would be cool ok i like this idea
i said you're there on the monday before con.

[21:04] Yep increase shows sometimes the tuesday after cons so i just tell who is the producer director whatever this
timer says he wants condor be seven days i think i'm just gonna tell him to volunteer for you guys
help me do that he can volunteer but will shoot up before you make that suggestion of naked eyes seven days dragon con fourteen days,
yes set me to japan gonna have to revisit the definition of the word volunteer yeah my hotel leave my volunteer all star
what are we can have that no
play the confession tapes compression that happens in there is was really challenging for us ok no dragon used to be in three days.
What still in love five plus for us because we still have to get instead of a thing up.
When we added little bit more on the thursday and we start again bump it some more now we're official on thursday an hour and can move it up some stuff and thursday day it just keeps moving further and further back the problem is.

[22:21] The hotels in general don't have to commit to availability before dragons there so we're fighting with other groups that are there before we are,
so let's just stay we have to go live by thursday afternoon in the marriott and there's a group in the marriott until thursday morning.
Which their often is thrasher off so we definitely have time compression problems where we have to get completely into a hotel and set up from scratch sometimes in you know sixty eight hours and that's
i need that's all hands on deck for that one hotel
i want to hear volunteers run into the room and help those hotel staff stack the chairs get him off the side simply so we have more room to get up quin and it going right thing people don't get ok so every time you
can i trip over the core that has the black tape on top of it the electrical tape put that down not just record tape over it and then they to get up.
Right afternoon because all of a sudden we found out something and he knows what i can be it's just well plug we're gonna be able to use.
Do can't take four coordinate to court whatever or can't take the surf capture.

[23:44] Yeah that's just a yes or there constantly you don't stop.

[23:52] That is actually i was gonna ask.
Yes why was gonna say if i gotta go just that transfer is probably the youngest iv of spades mean scott jason it working the other for upwards of ten years now so we are we are
very much a part of each other slaves overtime
pause playing song about you wanna talk to each other at least about a week
probably we goin' out we are we have a schedule the three of us and we have we did we specifically do not talk to each other after we leave,
are there after action reports in to be noted garcia directors they can go to to the contacts.

[24:46] Add transfer your about the say something i think it's also just catching up on sleeping as well and recovering cuz,
did the dog is apply name for us as we are yes
fairly def leppard we ever get there because we have a living out during the dog still here.
You got nothing in here anymore like you got for tablo and even have better off gone they everything.
Play that's nothing what people don't understand is will start saying equipment up monday before come through the start of con so we have four four and a half days everything else when the con is done on monday we usually get from
ruffly one pm.
When we try to get done by midnight to get everything that we did across ford of days to get done in six hours done.

[25:50] So it is not a hey can i have a panel at six o'clock on monday night no no you can't
no see you can but it's gonna be in the loading dock and it's not gonna have any technology that's love in
hold that microphone not yet it worked it just gonna be there
right for bryce fox here i go
can you do that so fast and need to know what number twelve,
that we done since one o'clock
you're good at this song their like yes we still got twenty-seven for the people we don't want you to go to we have
you want food get the job done that we go get food right yes exactly.

[26:58] Repeat who made not know what a dead dog is it is a party for people the last night.
Before everybody scatters everywhere and it's first volunteers but let me explain.

[27:20] Stop learn exhausted we are lying on the floor sometimes like a dog.
Anything i didn't say cat there's a reason that way because i do that with a cat
all sheryl arcade xanarchy saying goodbye
play the party tacos and safety and everybody else so there we go.

[27:55] Load in load out now about that.

[28:01] No blood out whatever you can as early as you can cause i've been in the main ballroom and you guys are already starting to take it down like
at eleven thirty pm could you like nothing to find us to go.
The sooner we can get out of the building or breakdown a room in particular the faster we can get the rest of that hotel together because we have to have a consolidation point so
we have to get all of our girl out of all these track rooms back to some central point so we can put it all on a truck.
When it takes more trucks than cars out of dragon con that it does to get into a dragon con because
hey goes into the trucks a little more disorganized does when it not because i have kinda love those and very methodical way we're alive time we just had to get the stuff out of the building a quickly as possible,
the other challenges like.
Can i listen to say we had a ballroom it didn't have any programming in it after you know eleven o'clock on monday great we can start pairing down that ballroom.
What week still can't really do anything with that equipment because.
There's two bands trucks that are sitting in the living god better getting there equipment out and you know another furniture company's getting equipment out so we have to fight for space and the dog.
Getting stuff out on labor day did you usually.

[29:22] Not working day for a lot of
i said for regular people or regular people conceit not for dragonfly not those of us a run fast enough
pull up during what i do it was a director i love it i make jokes but i really do yeah so.
Birthday you show some people trying to get in there we registration on tuesday morning.
For mandingo.
Yes the same thing where doing during loaded like you know so weird weird literally waiting for people to get out of our way sometimes or even you know you guys missing u we're going in helping the hotels that chairs just a good amount of our way.
What you can bring year in because it's another show loading out there these people doing that right behind us a dragon considered people coming in the setup.
End it so in sunrise i can a track room ac set up a screens and projectors and things like that is also fucking carry an by hand in the ballroom,
no we have the the singer listen there in trusses in things that have whippin have
recreational reggae cruise coming lower that stuff down so mean there's more involved davis vote no stadium don't just show up.
Idle closer put up by people amazingly.

[30:51] That's just a it's not just bare it's kind of terrifying we start
desiree abbott that's war a lot of your planet serious goes yes
read the overnight we also refer to it is the recent crew so my extensive my job is to make the next day.

[31:17] Better or as close as i can
i'm trying to put out any fires that happened overnight rapidito spirit sit there was any kind of issue with safety or you know somebody got drunk or whatever.
Always to talk with scott and with jason and work very very really
good method of communication over the years and we preseason leslie kind of roll this twenty four hours a day.
That's amazing that i mean that is it takes a lot of operation ivy rationalization fandango yeah
is she doesn't want transfer calling arab in the first in the morning saying they were nine hundred fifty chairs yesterday is only nine hundred forty five today where's my love chairs chairs
fifty turn my timer tran star has done that i'm not saying that transfer is done that i am saying.

[32:14] That it's has happened i'm stuck i'm just as my god was recently vacated those three.
Add of my out of the western because they dont wanna have to make a check up to up there
add try to see the matter the sheridan as much as possible i do i do you know the sheridan's not done
you know and it's a track it's not up there it down that which is there different muscles being used justice scary and sometimes
i know you guys only have very limited.

[32:52] But you as well.

[33:00] Yes we reduce the liberate a football room in the sheraton that has you know red equipment that's playing we do have track rooms over there too we don't have we don't have quite the,
maybe emergency pool of equipment like you mentioned earlier hey somebody don't tell me they need to projector on a guitar stand that
magic flying witch it that we have to invent while we're there con we do have those kinds of resources more in the the core hotels in,
yes my the highest marriott in hilton.
What other things we we invent on the fly cuz we turn on some money off of this stuff ok i'm just hold on.

[33:45] Are is does not have a bite out of any apple.
Shut if using something that is an apple related project product you need to bring yellow chords cuz,
play don't guys are center fraser's i need a doctor from my imac when you buy your mac and came with an adapter make sure you put in your bag every time you leave her house.
Keep in mind your we're gonna see a lot of presentations from these guys this year to i'm sure and does adapters have all changed a lot,
iphone don't have headphones jackson anymore
if you want to play audio off an iphone make sure you bring the jungle that goes with a that adams from lightning three point five millimeters because those a little harder to come by
end of jungle it's actually a techno confirm i didn't believe it or dragon has convention me that's actually a technical.

[34:43] Yes it is anywhere involved in common language grazing so twelve,
what you're saying things you didn't into on the fly.
What leave and bennett a lot of different ways to connect that pimp c to that projector over to that soundboard over to the camera and back over to someone's person recording device and it
it we can do that at three am.
Pause caffeine monster we need to bottle that trademark that select somebody else cause i get into you some other tec crew on some other convention needed that exact piece of equipment and they were just missing one little doctor,
play needed daniel bad or they need a dick help alright on youtube.

[35:40] Exactly what year is it.
It's raining is a lot of those things that there's the right way to do something and then there is the way we have to do it in the time we have a lot with whatever request kame in so.
I mean i have literally.
Like literally had to cut a cable on stage while i was band standing in front of me to soder cable together so that it guitar can plug in because i didn't have a guitar cable with them and i had to make one while they were playing.

[36:12] Play going 'round the marriott we can you have the right kinda cable with what they had so i literally had to take you know unstable and cut it and soder it back together in a different ways that the used
end the band was playing like they didn't have lead guitar for you know five minutes while i'm stuttering a cable
i also want to bring up some transistors,
set nephew said reason that we all the song because,
when is spiders very very very how do i say anxious about those extra
yes we are yes we will be because
add walking around just happened microphone on the floor.
I know how much microphones cost people to attract director cuz if it's not give back to the hotel but a piece of technical equipment your life.

[37:24] Take this on the press
please please don't it makes our lives much more complicated and it's it's eventually makes the cost life more complicated to a lot of things to count ask me free and their,
no seven hundred microphones that they have to come up with no idea that's even close to the number transpose it's not working class
how do we say it's come close yes.
Funny we do we have we have thirty thirty four microphones for the orchestra so just one example what were.

[38:07] Is anthony the georgia philharmonic.

[38:10] Play every year for yeah yes so,
hey portal go to the film up as soon as door opens up.
Yes yes will do i have yet to watch the whole thing because something always happens,
yes schedule for every time.
Hey portal what's the temperature there.

[38:49] Because the gap of things happen when that happens always never work.
There was there was a time in it another year where.
Where watching the storm phony trying to relax and enjoy and oliver have radio ears and oliver suddenly i see two rose of people stand up and shout the building.

[39:19] Because something has going on that should not be joining us
shuffle with something so that people in the back whisper.

[39:37] Is it anymore questions just yer spring that person chocolate or a cup of coffee.

[39:46] End back slowly that's probably the best thing you can do question here and it's from eternal back.

[39:56] I need you guys me more volunteers.
Yes all the time every year old close the one.
Take it this way always you needs more volunteers we have yet the hit are max capacity since i've ever been on texas,
ok but there's a lot of the apartment that tec off safety registration those are three huge department that will never run out a room to put somebody.
All tracks directors have done that i'm gonna hate,
what can we help with the safety is needed somebody trying my favorite.
Safety his needed somebody or hasn't yeah i know brent
Add does anybody hear her actually our favorites volunteer exactly my husband is volunteering for gaming so i can't honey.

[41:14] I need you to know i'm on break.
Hey portal play i'm sorry i mean i was just gonna say that we know where cracked a lot of jokes and that's great.
Usually operating with like maybe a fifteen twenty minute window sometimes in between heaven,
repeat a certain place or check on a certain guest star be at a particular panel and
it's so fast as side from olive the other stuff that we have to do that we are never ever ever.
Lacking need.
Show more bodies and it doesn't even matter we have it would probably tell the story and sometimes you just walked in they go
you know what is checkups doing in your life will i working venus in backline for the last twenty years but this kids name is william i met him tuesday

[42:21] I don't know what's wrong figure out was how many hours.
Does someone usually working tec of i'm not gonna ask all that because the question is as many.
You can do i will always me people.
Everybody needs help out there a special this year we got a lot of people this year saying because of you know koven everything else you guys must not need as much help.
Who we were still in every single ballroom we're still in every single track room where setting up as if we're gonna have.

[43:10] A thousand people or hundred thousand people is the same amount of quin for us so far us we look at people say if you willing to donate at least.
Twenty five hours at least a help us then come talk to us if you're looking to i'm in a volunteer two three hours.
You need to talk to another department and see what you work with them.
What even though most most apartments i wanna look at and save you not willing to put in at least twenty twenty five hours across five days.

[43:40] There's not enough commit for us kind of bring it in and bring you in his volunteer,
when did keep in mind their working for seven days if you can't find you know twenty five hours to work over a seven day window of availability before con during conan after con like we're we're trying to get out.
I mean week we really need people that are reliable that can be there when they say they gonna be there in that are going to no put in that extra mile i think we will run some statistics over the years would probably don't have really accurate numbers right now but i think the
average takeoff volunteer over the time period works up about forty to forty five hours as an average.
Wow that's a lot hours when they have that number was soft i would bull part of somewhere like fifty sixty hours
yes i will randolph numbers in a past i don't know it does numbers are like in the last couple of years but i know when i ran the numbers whiskey and wine years ago,
can i know where looking fevers nathan that ballparks.
How loud i mean thirty hours i mean when i first got brought into the director jason and i eat did minimum twelve hours shifts a day so twelve arizona.
But minimum after double shift there still under problem trying resolve really yeah sixteen eighteen hours.

[45:03] Go take a nap for a few hours and your right back on shift that's what i believe me maybe something that you wanna do.

[45:11] Make you can't remember it like outside the help not perfectly transfer.
Yes can you get signal for the app but yeah.
Where the strange people were you know this is our king this is what we enjoyed doing so that the hours that number seems crazy but it it's
shuffle falling in it's something we like enjoy doing,
i know i still need people that are just you know are able to safe show up do their twenty five hours cause we do need help you know it doing things like loading bathrooms moving cables and that's the thing so it
no more joking around and everything else but you know its not that scary.
Yeah you might find you like it and you're gonna be that next year that person that's right along with us putting in because that happens every year,
have never attended dragon con ever
same here i did my first year was on tech house by the end of my first year did two years accept again i was volunteering during my second.

[46:29] Because yahoo track and they just desperately need to watch people talking.

[46:43] What are the things to,
is sunset heckled people help the people stoned on ocean remember john is at this a lot
every herring franky all the drug company we love to be flexible.

[47:04] This year we not only have to be flexible we have to be like extra flexible am extending yes.
Learn somebody who spinal column doesn't work anymore gotta figure out how to be a little more also gotta be patient.
World we will.
Manage that kaos as it goes as do every year but just be nice please,
two things are one week scribe every year to make sure that dragon con the attendees never see the problems
every now and then you see the problem but typically ninety nine percent the problems that we have you're not gonna see because we're gonna sneak and figure the problem resolve it as your loading in the room
can you never know the second thing about for volunteers can we get this out of year we don't just need technical people i need
people so we have people who sit in a chair and for every tractor who gets a radio they come see us and get ready check it out.

[48:17] So volunteering for tec of isn't just set up the ballroom it my hr people it's my radio people it's my heroes a piece of cable please take it from this room to this other room and come back if you can do that.
Set a exactly the sequence if you can you know how to come back then we can use you on tec oops
edit you wanna learn the everything else i'll take you there anything else what games people with you to teach you how to run a board a sound board on a room you name it will teach that you.
Start with the basics bossa you're golden,
it's it's also the people in the ballroom 's when you're when you're going into the room to go see whatever panel even in line for two hours for an hour for four thirty am come to the sound of my voice and go down this road
does tec of people as well so we we need
any of those bodies that that are willing to do that kind of work in the ballroom.
Play understanding that which is because,
does people using running out sound boards of those really big cameras didn't know how to do that.

[49:34] Being bullied help and willing to learn so i started learning a v audio-visual technology a dragon con and i do professionally now as my day job.
What i started doing that basically with dragon con back when started doing that
i want to say something you feat tank accounts for is this year
the party on thursday night there is a big meredith go ball set up for their for me for every year we have that party and it's awesome.

[50:07] Does me like it in a couple of lights spotlights on a tune to make it extra shiny every year when to the sky.

[50:20] I love my disco ball i really do i think check option bill burr forgetting you every year so right,
so much more that goes on behind
show much big ego's on behind conan back you just can't imagine we are the ducks on the pond
everything is common the surface and paddling like la internet the water if you see us running you should probably be running too in the same direction and faster
news on cnn we are weird we exist kind of behind the scenes of brewster,
witham because running touch problem child coffee not do anymore.
Turn alright so i said first person name.
Set a jason hayes wolfman sent middle school middle school so middle school i really wish i had a good picture of it but i have always had the windows peak from hell.

[51:47] When i was in middle school i look like any monster.
Play i had big fix point eyebrows have widows peak in my hair always good straight up.
So i have straight up hair that had the widows peak down the front in it.
Somebody called wolfman when day at stuck that's been my nickname since i've liked the ladies.

[52:11] Repeat that other people try to come on to tec before with with wolf centric names or request as wolf man to it's like sorry this wednesday scott west coast.

[52:26] When i first volunteered my brother-in-law was detector please name of common came up for his wedding and needs explain what day did a dragon as you should come out here.
Increase all got a plane ticket i'll pay for hotel offline from the west coast out here.

[52:45] Did all the paperwork get out here come to find out we need a nickname for you.
Who is gotta tell you so we gonna give a nickname west coast okay i get it make sense.
Play try to change it over the years three hundred times nobody remember the name so becomes alright young forever west coast,
i don't like on the west coast no i'm in atlanta so someone trying to make it used to be name by coastal sorry just doesn't work off quickly transfer
unlike this is just a nickname if i had ever since the you know
creed on days of the internet before i images even became on there so on it it was kind of the astros nickname of psycho down
just never change i'm sorry.
I said earlier you a very young said prep the intern early band for their images come on no not for you
yeah that's not adulation fifty ok so.

[53:58] I want to hear something because they won't tell me.
I need to tell the truth cause otherwise don't call me out on it not what i trust him to do no nephew was
play the table character that played in high school when i was plan
back in a long long ago when i was playing white wolf and that was big idea caracter name netflix and then when i became a performer.
Watchlist not working dragons on first they said i need a nickname
play the bad thing and i can't go by claire and that's a whole story and i said ok find just do this one thinking that ok find people called me that you know high school.

[54:55] Now that's just my name so i.
It started with me pt but i like to think elevated a little bit,
turn awesome very good very good scott jason said if somebody doesn't.
Summarize like you said last year was carports see how to make greens and so it in the grocery store talking to ajr people saying we need a new bass name for this person,
i'm lilly looking at a bottle of sun kiss and say his name is nelson kissed
ok we have the same start to pick their first name
we have certain rules behind it has to be family friendly it needs to be easily red and set over radio
set you wanna put it together sixty-four characters random and color the name if i can't pronounce it i'm sorry we're gonna pick up something else for you.
Use latin rap convention somebody is gonna say or do something funny not funny whatever and that's gonna effect us i want to change your bitch name.
Please add something else.
Create a man but that's just because i watched shows recently so ok.

[56:22] We have people name you something on the radio and talk for five minutes straight.
I had to get break the radio getting there it's ok you you're no longer pirate whatever your name is now chatterbox
what's the weather name at starbucks not all of our back names are voluntary
i didn't realize how big deal like.
Does canon nicknames where for years until dragon con cause i'm just leave it's pretty.
End so many different ways especially with my spelling bag yeah.
Volunteers bedroom be like whatever new that was what you wanted to be called they know was,
ok end the world speak saying and looking like getting monsters about the you can't look back it just did.

[57:31] Can you don't like it back it up,
that's right ok so for a little louder actually had long hair in my hair still still straight up i woke up in the morning i look like an eighties rock star with all the hairspray cut my hair styles straight up
anybody has those pictures i have remind me some old pictures.
No a couple of all pictures of me and takeoff when i still have a pony tail by lisa long time ago remember you i can't remember i've always been ninety-seven,
ninety-seven ok awesome now best stories family friendly hamburgers start with michael because he's been the quietest.
Yes alright.

[58:39] Oh no thank you lost your mike you after my baby.

[58:47] Michael i can't hear you michael nope.

[58:57] Anything please stand by apocalyptica difficult.
Pick up seaway if you can hear me so we.

[59:11] Are subject to so many stories that.
Can never see the light of day ever so i try to think of
that we can share so what doesn't remind me is i can't feel years ago there was a app launch where one of the stars were watching an app for that had to deal with commissions and everything else.
Cancel the rumor setup like it would it been for presentation cause we.
Wasn't too much communicated to us about it.

[59:47] Add about five ten minutes before the panel starts the guess who xnxx like.
This is supposed to be a party which means round tables all the chairs again off the floor dance floor everything else.
So yeah that was a fun experience but.
End doing that rehab the guest there pushing tin pushing chairs with us they have this
choose a photo session chairs moving it with all the hotel staff and everything else that's one of those calls that you know.

[1:00:20] What fan white noise gets that bas all the sun stand up from something whatever this thing down run to some hotel that's the type of course that they do get.
That's set it two that's want to hold roast and up an app at the same time ok netflix.

[1:00:42] Go back.

[1:00:45] I am i willing you know i'm overnight director family friendly.
Please open people if you are gonna bomb don't run the trash can you please please please.
The traffic in a lot of trash cancel reykon.
Add in a being something else in the overnight directors jurisdiction of getting the hotel cruise to clean up some of that next from the from the raves that are going on before you know before the the lake joe's parks,
i will say that i will admit to some some small stage fright in this case obviously much better
find the camera and show me all but i actually scott on the phone this morning like i don't even know what a man should i put on a suit
he was like you got dragon contigo i can't hear a t shirt.

[1:01:45] Yes join stay.
No refunds joke time join your day just,
you're gonna stay like that yeah,
i would i will tell one story that was before i was the director and
largely because i get to pick on jason just a little bit just a little bit the story i wanna talk about history i was still working to be in weston.

[1:02:25] And western and i got a text from jason that wasn't sos tax we all have our little co-working stuff and so it was sos taxied to be in the marriott well it's saturday at about nine.
Forty five
i think saturday yeah so i have to run through the parade parade saturday right i can tell in the schedule so i have to go through the parade from the west end through to the marriott and
the next text that i sent to jason why is.
I might need bail money response text was i can't deal with that also right now right now
i wanted to ac dc officer is had been given instructions to not let anybody in the front door of the marriott during the parade and i said
no i don't think you understand i'm going through that door surf and you're welcome to come with me but without handcuffs it going through that door
i know you're not no you're not and.

[1:03:36] Play my husband at the time was with me and he immediately just stepped in and play furious while i'm medially found the second front door to the marriott and babel my way and france
how is my favorite i would like if i can just be fast,
that is funny time will it fortunately i was very fortunate somebody from safety
can you rescue and pull up the recipe near who i was instead yeah that one wherever she's going you don't want to be so so it's just better if you just
add ketchup west coast what you got.

[1:04:34] I have access to question start talking about green man turn things like that but it doesn't appreciate it fifty am i going to do whatever
greenman turn it loose tonight
i think the most recent was adventure panel victor brothers panel fifteen twenty minutes
before the end of their panel the ventures brothers excited announce hey had,
i have their hamburg walkup to me start white faith same they just announced this i did not know about it i apologize.
Can we make it happen.

[1:05:25] I'm in fifteen minutes between a message between safety the hotel staff itself we were actually able to set up an actual table
spacey more people are going to stand have carbs the handout to the first x men people save you dont have a card you can't be a mine no signatures when they were done with a pan of the living walked outside the ballroom
fifty feet to a table set down and start a funny autographs.
That's a type of things that dragon con and takeoff can do you give us a few moments let it breathe resolution.
We will figure out of solution we will we work the problem we do.
Make might not pretty boy authoring on stage there's no guitar.

[1:06:15] Right jason come on so many stories hits.
There's there's crazy stories from like things that have gone catastrophically wrong to like just some of the most random things like a random thing that comes to mind like that.
Most people wouldn't be able to say in their in their careers whether it's volunteering professionally whatever it is you know once upon a time we had.
Hold group of very famous musicians that were coming to perform a dragon con and tec of literally had to pick up chick corea piano to put on to the stage.

[1:06:57] Show that baked have the set up for their performance so we we literally why can't it be grand piano to put on the stage in centennial so.
Random sings that we have running an art unmerciful cats,
wow scott street public twenty five probably only.

[1:07:25] Fifty percent texas spotify fifty correct me how many pills we are now.
The march madness now.
The one that we gonna end up with their and we're not gonna play a game because i could i'm still very terrified i did not hit record,
teach me.
So what are the things i can get us all,
the track run d m. c. tv or why does rising that i'm not the question so what is the relationship between.

[1:08:17] Yes yeah go ahead got you take this one if you been working within the longest.
So yeah so it's it's kinda funny because you know when we when we first started the concept of even trying to stream video out of of these rooms.
I mean it was takeoff said head some little extra bad kid that we were taking video from my camera and some kind of interesting setting
set predated youtube i don't need to remember when it was back then but i remember we were doing it.

[1:08:50] Add events lay that kind of you turn into its own dedicated department with more sophisticated technology anymore sophisticated streaming platforms and better organizational structure on how that were doing all of that so.
What that's kind of revol two today least from the ballroom side is.
You know where still running the microphones are on the stage for the panelist for the q for the people understanding their the audience are asking questions to panama.
I'm busy somebody running that video camera and all of that is going back to some kind of love.
What mcclenney local distribution points so somebody from dc the don manning bad so their controlling you know what the camp what the image from the camera is on the screen are there content coming from somebody laptop and making sure that audiopium all of those things
the matt goes down to the dc the don of broadcast operation.
Where that gets me a justin back to the hotel not closer i get feat john popper the up the video site,
spaniard and mino whatever other platforms for using so that's you know what we have to work very closely together because they're there.
Brian and equipment is sitting on ocean sounds stages that are still taking you down feeds from my microphone and camera stuff like that new room so you know we.
Play the reliant us to get them the the the base line of the stuff but you know their the ones that are doing all the processing all those for legwork to get that you know to the internet.

[1:10:20] Ok go back and look at somebody old original bumpers for djds.
All those people were tec of people because defy tv was born out of tec of so that's what you see the same people over and over again because,
we need people this weekend the format new bumper sand people to volunteer and it's your text app.
Exactly hey those two rose come on.

[1:10:59] Ok
No not gonna i'm in here and lightning in front of me microphones and cameras everything else
bring screen behind me that i'm not using right now because i tried to the other day caused a serious live so until john.
Hey portal.

[1:11:32] Hey there you go thank you guys.

[1:11:40] I wanna thank you offer all being on here this is been a lot of fun we have gone over an hour.

[1:11:47] Play a game on jack box but john rubi inviting you all back i will be.
Hey portal go back when we were just play a game and john will it or whatever.

[1:12:15] Right so.
John happy birthday.

[1:12:30] Music.

[1:12:37] Right yes please.

[1:12:46] This was a production of the unique command line at eight one three three two one zero zero.

[1:12:54] That one three three two one zero eight eight four female dot com fifty days of the unit dot com.

[1:13:04] Unique on facebook twitter this podcast is distributed creative commons attribution.

[1:13:13] Music.